Autism Awareness Month!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

10 Needs for Couples to Succeed

What does a couple need in order to succeed? What does a couple need in order to have a healthy relationship? What is at the base of improving health, job performance, mental health, emotional health, parenting skills, human interaction, success in school, and safety? ........Healthy Relationships.

How much time does the average person spend watching TV a day? How much time does the average person spend with their partner a week?
"An average American at age seventy-five years old will watch a total of fourteen years of uninterrupted TV.....The majority of couples share feelings less than 30 minutes a week......The average American spends four hours or more watching TV a day......Most people spend less than 25 minutes making love." ~Godek. In order to value something, there needs to be an investment. Time is the most important and priceless gift that a couple can give each other. Make that a weekly goal to spend more time with your partner even if your work schedule is hectic.

Emotional Management
When in a disagreement how well do you handle your anger? Do you notice your frustration and immediately take a time out and follow a plan to cool off?
It is important to maintain respect for each other even in an argument. Even occasional put downs will harm the relationship. Make sure you take time-outs early before saying something you'll regret. During your time-out focus on positive thoughts and distract yourself and prepare what you will say to return with cooperation.

How many times do you greet your partner with warmth and affection when they get home from work? How many times a day do you show an act of love to your partner?
The small acts of attention add up throughout the day without having to spend money or too much time. A maintenance well worth it. We maintain our cars, our health, our teeth, our job, our house, our friendships, and maybe even our hobbies. Maintenance #1 is our marriage.

How often do you make a negative or critical comment to your partner? How often do you compliment each other?
One of Gottman's success predictors is a ratio of 5:1 or better of positive to negative interactions. Learn more. "A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes. " ~Gandhi

How does your partner feel loved? How do you feel loved? Are they the same ways?
Discover the specifics of what makes you and your partner feel swept off your feet. Practice doing them often. Read books to support your learning and experience.

Love Making
How satisfied does your partner feel? How do you want to improve?
Romance sometimes leads to an intimate connection. Let it lead and enjoy each other.

How honest are you about sex, money, in-laws, or fears? How tactful are you in speaking to your partner to get their cooperation?
Communication is the key to unlocking the heart. Being able to let each other know your honest opinion without blame. To speak and at the same time invite into the conversation. Learning skills for communication is a wonderful practice with many benefits.

Do you see your partner's point of view? Do you feel understood in your relationship?
Empathy is the most essential piece to your relationship. Without it you might not get very far. Use it with attention and focus, as much as you can, and with genuineness. Learn more.

Accepting Differences
Do you love your partner fully, the good and the bad? Do you accept each other's differences? 
"For it to work, you both have to come out of your comfort zone." ~Steven Stosny. Look at your differences as a great use, to complement each other and help each other mature. 

Cultural Support
Do you see many movies on the widescreen and tv shows that portray an ideal image of a healthy couple? Do you want to see role models and find accessible resources for couples of all ages, of all stages and of all backgrounds?
"Be the change that you want to see in the world." ~Gandhi. We can change today's society to a better future. Couples are learning and succeeding by the hand of couples that are reaching out in their community. Sharing a story of your own can give another relationship hope. Together we can do it. It takes a village to sustain a healthy relationship. Trade Association.

How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About ItWhy Marriages Succeed or Fail: And How You Can Make Yours LastCouples Companion: Meditations & Exercises for Getting the Love You Want: A Workbook for CouplesPassionate Marriage: Sex, Love, and Intimacy in Emotionally Committed RelationshipsYou Can Be Right or You Can Be Married: Love-Based Solutions for CouplesWorld Class Marriage: How to Create the Relationship You Always Wanted with the Partner You Already Have